With summer finally here it's time to stop and smell the roses! Of course, those of us who are technology junkies simply bring up a photo of flowers on our iPad, take a whiff, and move on. Join me for summer trainings to jump start your new school year. The
Assistive Technology For Struggling Students Summer trainings will be great - I've wrangled several of my outstanding colleagues into sharing their knowledge with us. We still have spots open so it's not too late to register. Also, I will be running a social group for anyone who wants to learn more about using their iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - it is called
'Appy Hour - and it will be Tuesdays in June from 5-6 PM at Kona Jacks, 96th and Meridian Street, Indpls. Learn new ways to use your iDevices while having fun with friends. For additional information and fees, email me at
Now, I'm off to plant a virtual garden on my iPad.......
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