Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hamilton County Autism Support Group

The weather really came through yesterday for the Hamilton County Autism Support Group Race and Motorcycle Run. Despite what started out as cloudy sprinkles, it was a sunny day for all those who came out to participate. There were many vendors sharing resources and services for families as well as fun activities for kids. Walkers, runners, bikers, trikers, riders in wagons and other wheeled vehicles participated in the race. It was great to share information about simple assistive technology devices and strategies with others. Thanks to all who stopped by our booth. I even found myself talking to one of my former clients whom I worked with to help develop his augmentative communication system when he 7!  He's 30 years old now and very accomplished. I am really proud of this young man and it reminds me what an honor it is to be a part of people's lives.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The First 'Appy Hour

Tonight was the first 'Appy Hour and it was great fun!  Over food and drinks at Kona Jacks we talked about ways to use built-in apps like Notes, Maps, and the Clock.    We also went through the settings menus and talked about using Spotlight search and emailing information to yourself using the Notes app. Attendees were amazed to see all the ways that they can use the camera - from taking photos of receipts, your license plate, items at home for insurance purposes, the location of where you parked your car and more.  One of the my newest finds is the Keyring app- take a photo of your rewards card barcode and get rid of all those cards on your key ring.

More fun apps, food and drinks are waiting for you at the next 'Appy Hour - join us at Kona Jacks, 96th and Meridian Street - Indianapolis - Tuesdays in June 5-6 PM.  $30.00 per session.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Fun

With summer finally here it's time to stop and smell the roses!  Of course, those of us who are technology junkies simply bring up a photo of flowers on our iPad, take a whiff, and move on.  Join me for summer trainings to jump start your new school year.  The Assistive Technology For Struggling Students Summer trainings will be great - I've wrangled several of my outstanding colleagues into sharing their knowledge with us.  We still have spots open so it's not too late to register. Also, I will be running a social group for anyone who wants to learn more about using their iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - it is called 'Appy Hour - and it will be Tuesdays in June from 5-6 PM at Kona Jacks, 96th and Meridian Street, Indpls.  Learn new ways to use your iDevices while having fun with friends.  For additional information and fees, email me at

Now, I'm off to plant a virtual garden on my iPad.......