Hello, My name is Beth Waite and I have an iPod Touch Addiction. I spend hours on iTunes looking for apps that will meet needs of students with disabilities - and there are so many amazing ones out there! My new favorite is called "Look2Learn" and it is simple communication app for a nonspeaking person. Priced under $25.00, it allows you to load your own symbols and photos representing desired activities and record your own voice. What is so great about this app is that is simple and straightforward - perfect for beginning communicators. Don't forget, with an iPad or iPod Touch you need an external mic - I found a great mic cord on Amazon that plugs into the ear buds you get with your iPod so that you have a mic and earphones all in one - for about $8.00!
You can come to my next iPod University workshop August 3rd for more tips and tricks for using ipod touch, iphone, ipad as assistive technology for people with disabilities.