They call geeks who stay up hours before a product comes out, waiting in the rain and crowds, just to be among the first to get their hands on a new tech gadget "early adopters". I'm a middle adopter - I usually wait until those early adopters figure out the bugs, write indepth reviews and posts, then a revised version comes out, and I grab that one. With Apple, its a given that even the first run item is golden. I want to see how the iPad looks with augmentative communication apps - see how our students with special needs can access the larger screen. Every day, I'm hearing amazing stories about students of all abilities using iPod apps for communication, learning, and more. The demand for this kind of training continues to be out there - as evidenced by the great response to my two upcoming iPod trainings later this month. Someone needs to make a big enclosed speaker case for the iPad to protect it and increase the volume. Just the other day I got two more of these cases for 15 bucks for the iPod Touch.
It's too late to be an early adopter....but maybe I'll speed up my usual techno pace and grab the next iPad I see.